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Standard Letters Documents

Viewing 1 to 5 of 10 results

ASTM E84 Standard Letter

Flame Spread and Smoke Development Properties

M-1 Sealant

Carlisle's EPDM, TPO & PVC Membrane Compatibility with M-1 Sealant.

Letter from Factory Mutual Regarding Changes to FM Approval Standard 4470

Letter from FM highlighting changes recently made to Approval Standard 4470.

New Factory Mutual Max Deck Spans (ft.) by Wind Rating/Fastener Spacing, Sheet Gauge (33 and 80 ksi)

Updated FM 4470 deck spans by wind rating/fastener spacing and deck gauge for 33 ksi and 80 ksi.

Gypsum Wall Board Flashing

Standard Letter: Gypsum Wall Board Flashing
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