Learn about Energy-saving EPDM

EPDM rubber has a distinct advantage over asphaltic- and plastic-based products, as it is available in dark and light colors without sacrificing heat aging resistance or needing special treatment. The dark-gray-colored Sure-Seal membrane, offering the highest UV resistance on the market, helps reduce heating costs and is the smart choice if you spend most of your energy budget on keeping your people and building warm. Dark-colored Sure-Seal EPDM also helps avoid potential condensation and safety issues associated with white roofs in northern/colder climates. The white reflective Sure-White membrane also offers excellent UV resistance and is an ideal product for southern climates where you spend most of your energy budget on air conditioning your building.

Energy-saving EPDM Documents

Viewing 1 to 5 of 20 results

EPDM LEED Certification Submittal Form

Use this form to get a LEED credit by utilizing a dark-colored EPDM membrane.

Energy-Efficient Roofing White Paper

See how energy-efficient roofing isn't a simple black and white issue

Ballasted EPDM - The Original Sustainable Roof

Article published in the November 2013 issue of Professional Roofing discusses how ballasted EPDM roof systems have been a sustainable option for decades.

Effects of Urban Surfaces and White Roofs on Global and Regional Climate

47-page study highlights the TRUE effects of urban surfaces and white roofs on the climate. Key information notifying the advantages of dark roofing materials in cooler climates is highlighted on pages 4, 5 and 21.

Questioning Cool Roofs

Article printed in the January/February 2013 issue of Commercial Building Products reviews five studies and technical articles that consider various concerns associated with cool roofing systems. www.cbpmagazine.com.
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